A Different Kind of Country

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Support Drake

Hello to all of you wonderful supporters of the Drake Jensen Music journey!As you all know I haven’t been one to ask for money over the years , as I have always self funded , but the music business’ landscape and the covid pandemic, has changed things dramatically for me and my team . CDs no longer sell like they used to , touring has become a deficit to become involved in , and revenue from streaming doesn’t even cover the cost of recording one song in a year! Many people do not understand the ongoing cost that is constantly facing independent artists to be able to continue their journey . I have travelled many roads in my life , this being the absolute most challenging one .My new projects I am currently working on are a new album with two single releases with two new supporting music videos , a special live concert for you all including a mini documentary on my life “story”. The estimated total cost of the project is around the figure of 65,000 Canadian dollars. And at every corner of the planning I am being conservative with spending WITHOUT a compromise in the quality of what I have self produced over the past 12 years making music in the LGBTQ community.If you’ve read this far, you are a SUPERFAN, and I am so grateful for your support on this journey ! And , after many people asking how they could “tip” me, I am now offering this option for you to become a part of what I do , not just give me money!Remember that NO CONTRIBUTION IS TOO SMALL , however if you are a SUPERFAN supporter , I want to give something back to you . So for any donation of 50.00 USD to 99.00 USD , I will send you a personal note of thanks , along with a high resolution copy of one of my many popular “photo of the month” direct to your email . For any donation of 100.00 USD or more I will be offering you a 15 min video call , along with a personally autographed photo mailed to your door . So here is the official link for what I like to think of as “support of my cause” .I would like to personally thank you all for being with me over the years , and I look forward to creating some of my best content over the next 24 months.Thank you so much!!Drake Jensen

About Me

Unmistakably country, but with a certain sonic majesty...he sings with open-throated confidence and clear conviction. A winner.” – Robert K. Oermann, Music Row Magazine, Nashville TN.After recording his debut album "On My Way To Finding You" Drake Jensen was praised by Music Row's Robert K. Oermann, and over the years has proven to be a force, in his own unique way, with his smooth, soothing, country baritone.Born in small-town Glace Bay Nova Scotia, Drake is no stranger to country music and humble starts. Raised on the likes of John Denver, Dolly, and Garth Brooks, Drake has spun all of these influences into his own true style.Never one to conform to any style or trend, Drake took terrestrial radio head on, and was the first LGBTQ country male artists in the world to garner a top 40 hit across Australia with his punchy and powerful country saga of a good time song "Wherever Love Takes Us".Continuing on, Drake proves himself not only to be one of the most unique voices in country music, but to offer a helping hand wherever he is needed. The latest of ventures is his very own registered charity organization under the umbrella of the Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia, his home province, creating the first ever LGBTQI2S grant system in Canada. After a fast and furious fundraising campaign, the first three grants have been allocated to some well deserving artists and organizations and there's three more to come in 2022.Big voice, big heart. Always open and honest, Drake Jensen continues to be an inspiration to the underdog. Proving that talent, drive, and being absolutely genuine always wins in the end.After winning Faces Magazine fan vote for "Country Artist of The Year", his top 40 accomplishment at radio, and being crowned the "Daddy of LGBTQ Country Music" by the world famous Advocate Magazine, there's lots of fuel in the tank as he embarks on writing and recording his fifth studio record. There's a lot more coming on the horizon on his country road.